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I have started reading The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin. The basic idea behind this story is this: Gretchen wants to find happiness in different aspects of her life, in order to appreciate her life more.
Lately, I have been feeling unhappy. Not depressed, just unhappy. This may sound really selfish, but I said I would always be truthful here, so here I go: I have not been appreciating the things right in front of me. I live in a great house, I have an amazing husband, I have a fantastic job that is my passion, yet my life still felt incomplete. I would see friends post pictures on Facebook or Instagram of their amazing vacations, or new cars that they bought. I watch these YouTubers with these huge Sephora hauls, and here I am, on April 11th, with $32 to make it to Wednesday.
To some, $32 is a lot of money. To others, they are probably wondering how we are going to make it.
I've lived on way worse. I honestly spent most of yesterday crying because of how "broke" we are. We recently had to spend all but one dollar of our savings account because Neill's car was in the shop. I assumed that once we graduated college, and had careers, we wouldn't have to live paycheck to paycheck anymore. We would be able to save money for vacations, for a house, for a new car. Yet it feels like every time we have some money saved up, something comes up, and we have to be responsible.
I want to make it very clear that I realize how ridiculous I sound. There are people who have it way worse than me. I am aware of that. I donate time and money to charities every year.
What I am saying is I am not appreciating the present, and making the best of my current life. I keep thinking about "In the future" or "Next year". What about today?
So I have started reading this book, and I am feeling motivated to appreciate today.
Here's a list of things that happened that I enjoyed, or appreciated.
1. Neill went to a job fair and had a really promising interview. I'm appreciative that his is wanting to use his college degree to do something that he loves.
2. We went and drove around the current city I work in (and the city he had the interview in) looking at the schools he interviewed for. I enjoyed getting to spend time with my husband, and planning our future together.
3. I went for a walk around the neighborhood today. I appreciated the beautiful flowers and horses that were in a nearby field.
4. I appreciated that my husband cooked dinner for me tonight.
I will update on the book and let you all know what sections I think are applicable to my life.
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